I’ve been feeling so creatively energized. I’m already musing about summer and possibly revamping the blog. But I can’t check out of the school year yet. There are a few critical weeks to go. Gotta finish it off.
- Last week I said I’d try cleansing my diet of bubble tea, which I’ve managed to keep up, except that the bubble tea in my diet has been replaced by coffee, Saxbys Coffee to be exact. I went three days in a row–the first time as a study date with friends, the second time because I was having a bad day, and the third time because a friend was having a bad day. I’ve tried the milk and honey cold brew (delish!), salted caramel cold brew (delish!), and sweet mint cold brew (too coffee-y for me).
- It’s amazing what good weather can do for your mood. It was Pinwheel Day at Haverford on Monday! I’ve been so happy and relaxed this past week despite the hustle and bustle that comes with wrapping up the end-of-term. There are so many people walking around campus, swinging in hammocks, lying on the green, tossing frisbees… Good vibes all around!
- Everyone is so busy nowadays; I almost never see my non-computer-science-major friends. On Thursday night Georgina and I had some good girl talk on the van back from Swarthmore. When we got back, I planned to have an evening study session with Julia for our final exam for Semantics the following day, but my laptop battery was running out and I had forgotten to pack my charger, so I went back to my room and we decided to Skype instead. We ended up Skyping from 11PM until 1AM, and probably only five minutes of that was devoted to studying. It was a fun time though, and time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time 😉
- I haven’t advertised it too much on this blog, but for the past academic year, I’ve been the blog intern for Athena’s Guide, a project headed by a small group of [5] staff and [3] students (including me) of Bryn Mawr College. The blog is a centralized online resource for academic and self-care resources. Its style is supposed to be similar to Buzzfeed, quick and easy and filled with GIFs, very different from my personal blog (this one). Anyways, this project has been supported by a one-year grant given by the college, so we weren’t sure what the future of Athena’s Guide would look like. We had our last meeting of the year on Friday to figure it out, and… we will be continuing this project next year! (yay I still have a source of income!)
- Spent a rainy Saturday morning at Hothouse Coffee with Kat. While we were there, there was an adorable old man sitting at the bar by the window, and beside him was a mason jar filled with flowers. How picturesque! You’ll have seen it if you follow me on Snapchat @auderoylin!
- I’ve been to Clover Market three times already, so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go again this year, but Kat mentioned it and I was like what the heck, might as well. I like scheduling meet-ups in the morning, because it forces me to get out of bed and start the day.
– Food trucks: From Say Cheese!, Kat and I shared truffle parm fries. From Surf and Turf, Kat got a lobster, egg, and kale breakfast roll, and I got a chilled lobster roll with New England mayo. The grand finale was the ReAnimator Coffee stand. I was so excited when I saw it at Clover Market! If you recall, I spent much of my spring break with Victoria and Jennifer cafe hopping, and ReAnimator Coffee was the last coffee shop we hit up. I couldn’t really tell because I was absolutely bloated by all the coffee I was consuming throughout the week, but Jennifer said they had the best coffee. The only thing was that their location wasn’t the most convenient for us to get to and we couldn’t foresee ourselves venturing out there anytime soon, so to see them here in Bryn Mawr town was a wonderful surprise. I texted Victoria and Jennifer immediately to get their butts over to Clover Market.
– Plants: Now that I know I’m getting my own place for the next two years (with Kat!), I can’t stop looking at decor, and Clover Market is full of that stuff. I didn’t buy anything other than food because of summer storage, but I kept an eye out for vendors I liked and should check out next time Clover Market comes around, which includes Carolyn Powers.
– Dogs: So. many. dogs. I’m not really a HUGE animal person, but omg. There was a really majestic Leonberger.
(If you didn’t catch it on my Snap story, I’ve screenshotted it on Twitter!) - I’ve been strangely calm, which I’m attributing to #2. I spent the majority of the weekend being productive with blog stuff rather than academic stuff, but productive nonetheless. I finally finished drafting all my posts from Seattle summer 2015 (hold the applause), so stop by the blog every Wednesday for the next three weeks! I drafted four blog posts this weekend (including this one), and five if you include the Friday Favourites I drafted on Thursday. I attribute this blog productivity to the fact that finals week is impending, which means it’s prime time to discover new ways to procrastinate. Hey at least I’m procrastinating productively, right? Yes, there is such thing as productive procrastination.
- Do you ever get stressed out because you’re not stressed out? Like, what am I forgetting?! I put this to rest by writing out my Done Is Good list (a list of all the things I need to do before the end of term, i.e. assignments, projects, papers, final exams, packing, and other loose ends). On Sunday (yesterday) I met up with Kevin for our Phonetics & Phonology final paper, which we have to present to our class about this coming Wednesday and must turn in by the last day of finals week (May 13), and that which we hadn’t started yet. But during our meeting we read over the instructions for the paper for the first time and realized that it wasn’t too bad, and that in fact we had prepared well for it via our class assignments throughout the semester. It was such a relief. We got this. Totally doable.
- Currently listening to Duet by Penny and Sparrow. I found this song on Thursday while listening to a playlist on 8tracks, and the artist seemed familiar, so I Googled them and found out that they were performing at World Cafe Live in Philly on Friday, which is a place I’ve been wanting to check out. And it was only $15. So perfect!! Except that I was performing at an a cappella concert on the same night T_T Anyways, also loving their song Serial Doubter.
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.