Like I mentioned in my last post, I’m currently in Austin, Texas for my winter externship. Refer to #5 to see how it’s going. Hint: Since my externship is part of the Happy List below, that means it’s going AWESOMELY.
- I bought three pairs of Sock It to Me socks at the airport. While I was waiting for the plane to pull up to the gate in LA for Austin, I went hunting through gift shops for postcards. I got a postcard for 89¢ and was about to walk up to the cashier when I saw a rack of these fantastic socks. I left with purple high-knee sloth socks, high-knee fawn and mushroom socks, and black crew cut tacosaurus socks. I also left behind $40.05.
- Another one of my photos got onto Tumblr’s Staff Picks! The photo is from my Thanksgiving break in New York City with Georgina, Ami, Grace, and Victoria, during which the five of us stayed at Georgina’s house for two nights. I miss those girls so much, but I’ll be seeing them in about a week when school starts! The holidays spent with mysterious relatives and distant friends makes you really appreciate the friends you have now 😛
- I hate talking to other people about grades, but I’m kind of proud of myself, so I’m saying this for me. I got a 4.0 GPA this semester! This really means a lot to me, because mentally, this past semester hasn’t been the easiest, but I’m really relieved to see that I managed to pull through to the end of it and that it hasn’t impeded me academically. This semester I was introduced to the world of computer science, and it’s comforting to see that I’m faring well, especially since I plan on declaring it as one of my majors this spring semester.
- Courtney and Jolie randomly texts us (me and Anny) in our WeChat group and say that they’re doing a food bet for 2016 and are inviting us to join. Basically, we each start off with 100 points, lose 10-20 points for eating junk food, gain 1-5 for exercising, and need to do a punishment if we run out of points. Took heck with it, imma do it. This is so random and I love them for it. It’s kind of comforting doing something together like this despite being miles apart. Though I do have some qualms about the rules they set, because they’re including bubble tea in the junk food category… I will gladly endure a punishment for 10 cups of bubble tea.
- Everything about my externship. This could be ten happy things itself! Even though I’m bursting with things to say about it, I don’t want to share too much right now because I’m planning on dedicating a whole post to it later. I’ve been writing diary entries on a Word doc every night, so all the memories are fresh and you can bet that there’s a lot of ’em. I’m lacking pictures as I haven’t been carrying my camera around because I’m working, but I’m planning to have it on me most of next week (which is also my last week). The photo of the kebab up there is one of my few pictures (so far), and it was taken with my iPhone. There are many things I wish I had taken pictures of but missed, but hey that’s life. Can’t get a picture of everything. Although, damn *thinks about things I wanted pictures of* it was really cool…
I want to make an effort to remember the little joys in life, so my 52 week challenge for 2016 is to write weekly Happy Lists.
PS: 1.