ONE // Mint snowman marshmallows
Other than the energy surrounding the holidays, the food is my favourite part. Get your seasonal share of marzipan with these macadamia marzipan balls. Create a mini winter wonderland on a coconut cake. Peppermint mochas are so last year; this year it’s all about peppermint mochi. And what’s Christmas without mince pie? Fancy it up with this dark chocolate and cranberry mince pie recipe. And of course, don’t forget the alcohol that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like these fun gingerbread people jello shots. Oh, I mean the holiday spirit, the holiday spirit that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
TWO // Our real life elf on the shelf
This is one of the most creatively stimulating/inspiring projects I’ve seen in awhile, and is my absolute FAVOURITE post of the holiday season. I’ve never heard of Elf on the Shelf before, but apparently it’s a big thing. Nonetheless, I stand by my original statement that this is one of the most creative projects I’ve seen in awhile. #1, it’s not creepy like some attempts I discovered upon Googling this phenomenon. #2, in fact, it’s rather adorable. #3, it’s a complete work, a whole story; it’s not just photos, but a whole blog post chronicling the adventures of this mischievous little elf baby. Good job dad!
THREE // A treeless Christmas
The interior of my dorm room is an ongoing project. I’ve finally put faerie lights up, and I have a little display composed of my lantern, pumpkin, and pomander. I considered buying a mini potted Christmas tree that I spotted outside the supermarket, but ultimately decided against it, because I wouldn’t be living in my dorm at Christmastime anyway. Instead, I’ve made do with a treeless Christmas. Next year I’ll be trying this alternative “bits-and-bobs” wall tree. Another alternative is this citrus Christmas tree. If you have the luxury of having a traditional Christmas tree in your home, try sprucing it up with florals!
FOUR // Christmas in Vegas
I’m utterly obsessed with the oversized bow on this dress, and just this dress in its entirety really. And it’s only £69 (~$100)?! If this dress were available in my size, I might seriously have bought it. I guess I have an affinity for reds and bows this season, because this dress has also caught my eye. Carrying on the theme, these pink bow Christian Louboutin heels are some serious eyecandy. And that’s about as close as I’ll ever get to those heels with the size of my wallet. Instead, I can have my own fun with these dazzlingly personalized DIY holiday shoes that are sure to give a kick to any outfit.
FIVE // The littlest things bring joy
Christmas isn’t about gifts. It’s about the spirit, which is sometimes easy to forget amidst the chaos of the holidays (self-care!). I hope you find joy in the little things, or rather, the little non-things, the non-gifts. Even though gifts are fun. At least a third of my Bloglovin’ feed this month has probably been gift guides. This season, I challenge you to gift experiences. For those of you on a tighter budget or scrambling for something last-minute, this may be a welcome challenge and even provide you a bit of relief. Okay now that we got that out of the way, I gotta stick in this Harry Potter gift guide.
I can’t believe that Christmas is in two days, and this is the first festive post I’m putting up this season… I hope you’re all having the happiest of holidays, and in two days, the merriest of Christmases! Spend the day offline with your loved ones, and then return on the 26th for a little surprise from me 😉