Today is my last Sunday at Bryn Mawr this school year! Next week I’ll be at Young Life Lake Champion in New York for Chapter Camp, and the one after that I’ll be back in Beijing. I feel like I’ve been here in Bryn Mawr for forever, but at the same time it feels like no time has passed.
It has been a really challenging year both academically and socially. Dealing with adult stuff isn’t all that fun. Official forms send me into a state of panic. I’m supposed to be growing up, but think I’ve reverted.
It has also been a really great year, not despite of challenges but because of them. You know that feeling when the professor is giving a lecture and you have no idea what’s going on, so then after class you slave over it and finally get it? It’s one of the best feelings in the world! And college gave me an abundance of opportunities like these. I’ve really grown. Like these dandelions. ₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎
Or perhaps I spoke to soon, because I’m right smack in the middle of finals week, and boy do I have some challenges to face. I’ve made it this far into the year; I’m sure I’ll make it past this last week alive.
I believe in myself and all that I am. An over-enthused prospie. An overwhelmed frosh. To first adventures. Overcoming small battles. Best friends. Those nights that are just “so college.” When all is right in the world. A snap to reality. And beauty in everyone you see, everywhere you go.
It’ll be three months before I’m back on campus. I can’t wait to start the next year, and at the same time I’m not quite ready to end this one. A quarter way through my undergraduate career and I already know that college has been and will continue to be one of the most transformative experiences in my life.
Grow dandelions, grow!