I can’t remember the last time something in my life felt permanent. It was probably the summer after fourth grade when I got my ears pierced. But even then, I knew that if I didn’t like the piercing, I could always take it out and wait for my hole to close up. That summer, I moved with my family from Los Angeles to Beijing. I didn’t know how long we’d be there, but for some reason I knew it wouldn’t be for forever. It was temporary–just a little rest stop on the road trip of life.
Now I’m back in the States for college, but who knows where I’ll be after that? Probably not in the same place. Definitely not in this dorm. So I didn’t see the point of decorating my room with the faerie lights I always wanted to. I didn’t buy the posters I admired at the college poster sale. I didn’t even bring my favourite mug, because I figured it’d be easier to have something more portable like a tumbler.
But after a long, tiring day, wouldn’t it be nice to come back from classes, kick back, relax, and feel like you were home? Ya know, instead of logging onto Skype and venting to an old friend about how you can’t wait to go back home to your own bed and finally get some rest. Because… this is your home. So get those faerie lights. Buy those posters. Bring your mug. Grow a plant. Hang some garlands. Frame those pictures. Invest in silverware. Lay your bed with more pillows than needed. Have a rug.
I mention this now because I had a sleepover with my a cappella group (Chaverim)* last night and was obsessed very impressed by my friend’s interior decorating. After rehearsal, two back-to-back concerts on two different campuses, and some socialising, we splayed ourselves out on the floor to bond over pizza, stories, and a game of Never Have I Ever. Of course I was busy snapping away, but this time with my polaroid instead of digital camera. We all agreed that these polaroids turned out “very college.”
*Check out this article written by one of our very own for Buzzfeed! This is what I’m gonna spend my next weekend doing 😛
Four years of college are going to go by just like that, so make the most of it, but don’t feel like you have to speed through it either. In fact, you shouldn’t. College isn’t a checklist of have-you-evers where you do one thing and just move onto the next. Don’t live for the next thing. Live for the now.
PS: These pictures were taken during what you would call “night,” but technically it was past 12AM so…
PPS: 10. 07. 06. 05. 04. 02. 01.