ONE // Setting up your bar cart
Or ya know, just have a plain ol’ party, but by myself, with my own bar so that I can drink all I want without having to share being the introvert that I am. Really, all I need is to tune out with a solo pamper evening and some Netflix. Speaking of which, have you seen the cast of Grey’s Anatomy dressed up as Orange is the New Black? Maybe that’s a big enough occasion to garner party invites, and also a perfect excuse to try out these tassel garland invitations, which would also be great for dorm deco.
TWO // How to make stress your friend
Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? I was shown this video during my Wellness Issues Seminar at Bryn Mawr College and it has changed my perspective on stress. Of course, it’s always preferred to start off on the right foot, so get excited with a back to school party! I’ve been back at it for three weeks trying to conquer chronic procrastination, but it’s been a blur. Perhaps I should take a breather with a DIY like this back to school paint chip calendar.
THREE // Take a flask of hot chocolate along on a walk
Autumn is my absolute favorite season. So yeah school’s coming up and that sucks but you know what else is coming up? Ugly sweaters and scarves and PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES AND HALLOWEEN AND CUDDLING BECAUSE IT’S COLD AND FALL LEAVES AND HIKING IN THE BRISK AIR AND THEN AFTER THAT SNOW AND HOT COCOA AND MALLS DECORATED FOR HOLIDAYS AND FRICK SCHOOL ALL OF THIS IS WORTH IT WOWIE. The weather in Pennsylvania is unstable, switching between freezing cold and burning hot in a single day, so I’m at a loss as to what to wear. All I want is to layer up! Meanwhile I’ll content myself with building forts for cozy mornings like these.
FOUR // Medjool date and vanilla bean cafe au lait de coco
It’s hard to find time/energy to get off campus and get fancy beverages or even just a nice cup of coffee, so I’ve been on withdrawal. I swear that more coffee/tea/fancy drink related posts have been popping up ever since, such as frozen almond spiced chai, cinnamon latte, and chocolate and toasted hazelnut milk. Although Bryn Mawr College is ranked #10 for campus food, it’s not enough to sustain me. I miss having my own kitchen, my own oven, to make delicious things I find on the Internet, such as apple pie baked apples and homemade pocky. Or at least give me an Asian mart!
FIVE // Pretending to be Humans of New York
While Humans of New York photographer Brandon has been going on a world tour, a prankster was messing around back in New York. It was all in good fun, and HONY even shared it on his Facebook page, commenting “In case any of you had a strange conversation with ‘me’ lately…. don’t feel bad if you got tricked, not a bad impression, actually!” I love HONY’s ability to capture glimpses of people’s lives. Tell me your story and I’ll give you $1. On a side note, whenever someone asks me how my life is going, I get a strong urge to tell them to go read my blog.
How has your week been?