ONE // Internet etiquette
The Internet is rampant with opinionated people, which is why I try to refrain from leaving comments on websites, especially YouTube. What I love about the blogosphere is that everyone is so open to new ideas. In fact, it’s often encouraged. In order to maintain this peaceful and intellectual exchange of ideas, there are some things we should consider before hitting the enter button.
TWO // Cafe Waiting Love
The Taiwanese film Cafe Waiting Love was released in Taiwan today! I watched this trailer in theaters while waiting for The Fault in Our Stars, which, for the record, I bawled my eyes out at. I was sitting next to my cousin Shirley, and she was telling me that she really wanted to see this film, and now I do too! You know I can’t resist cafes. Luckily for her, she’s still in Taiwan so she can watch it now, but unluckily for me, I’m in Beijing. Check out the plot summary here.
THREE // Floral drinks
I’m a really lazy person. My water dispenser is really slow at dispensing water, so sometimes I have the urge to just buy a water bottle from the supermarket. Forget about sprucing up my water with strawberries and basil. Who has time for that? (Btw, everyone does. Don’t be like me.) Wait for my green tea packet to boil in water? Next time I’ll bulk buy bottled green tea, despite its sugary contents. But for the past few months, I’ve been pinning gorgeous cocktails and now I kinda wanna make one…
FOUR // Life lessons from summer days
I’ve had close to three months of summer break, the longest I’ve had in awhile. Unfortunately, I didn’t do very much traveling with this time, but I did get to hang out with my friends and see them before we all left for college. As it is with all events in our lives, rules are made, rules are broken, lessons are learned, and memories are made. Alas, the summer days must come to an end, but no fear, autumn is here! (AKA my favorite season)
FIVE // DIY bookmarks
Some people dread autumn, because it marks the beginning of *cue groan* school. But you know what else it marks? Spiced drinks, warm cuddles, crunching leaves, sparkling snow, holiday decorations!! This year, for a change, I’m actually quite excited to start school, because it’s going to be my freshman year of college. I feel smarter already! Jump right into it with some cute stationary.
How has your week been?